So, remember how David and I got a new car over the summer?
Well, we were able to drive it for about a month before it got totaled. Yeah,
not really the ideal situation for us… It was pretty inconvenient actually. I
was driving home from work one day and some 21 year old kid smashed through a
red light into me. Thank goodness no one was hurt, but come on, he could not
have been paying attention at all because it was 12:30 in the afternoon,
perfectly sunny, and the light had been green for me for several seconds
already. Anyway, it smashed up our car pretty good and as we predicted, it was

I had several witnesses that were kind enough to stick around and fill
out police reports stating what happened. The kid got a citation and I had to
get a ride home with the tow truck guy. It took 8 days for his insurance to get
us a rental car, so that was super annoying, but we are blessed enough to have
people who were able and willing to let us borrow a car so that we could get to
work and school. They didn't even have anyone look at our car for like 10 days
after the accident and then we found out the next day that it was indeed
totaled. Luckily for us, they actually offered us more money for our car then
we actually paid! We were able to talk them into letting us keep the rental car
for more than the original 3 days that they were going to give us, they added
an extra week onto the end since they didn't give us one for the first week
after the accident. Well, long story short, we got another new car! We hardly
had any time to look at cars, so we test drove 2 different cars and bought the
second one. We feel really good about it, it’s been about a week since we got
it and we both really like it so far. We decided on a Ford Focus, it’s a 2003
that only has 53,000 miles on it! It’s been really well taken care of and I
think it’ll be a really good car for us that’ll last a long time. Yay for new
cars! Now here’s to hoping we won’t have to buy another one in the near future!
I'll put up a picture of our new car later.