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This is our cute little home to be. |
We are excited to move in to the new house, we will have a fenced in backyard for Noelle to run and play and for me to have a garden, the house is within walking distance from a great park with a free zoo, fun playgrounds, a pond, train rides, and even a small water park. We'll have a bit more space inside, it's a 3 bedroom as opposed to the two bedroom we are in now, which brings me to my next point, the new addition that will be joining the family in December, we are expecting baby #2! I'm 16 weeks along now and the morning sickness is finally easing up, although most days I still take my anti nausea medication. I don't know why, but we tend to wait to make an "official" announcement until we know the gender of the baby, so I haven't made anything widely known as of yet, but will in a month when we get our 20 week ultrasound and find out the gender! I'm thinking it's a girl, but we'll see! When I was pregnant with Noelle I knew she was a girl from day one, but this time it hasn't been so clear, only recently have I gotten more feelings that it's a girl, so who knows! But either way we already love our little one! I felt the baby move for the first time on Saturday, before I was even 16 weeks along! It was very exciting. I try to be still and quiet for a few minutes each day to try to feel it more, but the baby is still so little (about the size of an avocado according to the app on my phone) that it's hit or miss, but in the next few weeks I should definitely start feeling it more regularly, which will be fun.
Noelle is still too little to understand all the stuff that is going on, that we'll be moving to a new house and that we're going to have a baby, so I wonder how she will handle all of the changes. She loves other kids and plays really well with them and she gets excited whenever she sees little babies, she always walks up and gets a big smile and touches them really gently (usually) on the hand or the face, it's very cute. I hope she'll love our little one, even though it means she won't get 100% attention from mom and dad like she's used to.
We just enjoyed a lovely vacation with my family in the mountains of Utah. It was a lot of fun hanging out and having fun with my family, I seriously have an amazing family, and I'm really lucky. Noelle was in heaven! She got to play with her two cousins all the time and play outside getting wet and dirty! I'm pretty sure it was the best week of her life, she LOVED it!
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We got to spend the 4th of July seeing fireworks and the Wizard of Oz at Tuacahn with David's family and my sister and her family. |
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Hiking in Zion National Park with David's family. |
We're having fun and getting ready for big changes ahead! Speaking of which, I better get off the computer now and start packing before Noelle wakes up from her nap! Ok, scratch that... She literally just woke up. Maybe I'll get some packing done later ha ha.
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\outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 Congrats on the house! It looks perfect! Congrats on the baby! We are so excited for your family. You look beautiful in all these pics, Ashley! -Tati}