Sunday, July 1, 2012

I love AC!

So, we bought a car! Not the one I previously mentioned, but a different one. It is a white, 2005 Dodge Stratus, it has only 26,000 miles on it! And we got it for a steal of a deal! It is currently awaiting us in Alpine, Utah with David's dad until we get back in August. I don't have a picture of it right now so you will just have to wait to see it in August. We will be listing our car for sale here and hopefully selling it before we leave, but it's tricky because we need to use it up until we leave, so we can only list it a few weeks before we go, so we've been praying hard that it'll all work out.

Last week we went to the Washington DC Temple which is beautiful! Our GPS took us on all these back roads to get there and we were really wondering if it was taking us the right way because it sure looked like we were in the middle of nowhere and then all of a sudden we pull out from a bunch of trees and there it was! Angel Moroni on a golden pillar in the sky! it was a breathtaking sight to pull out and see the temple. 

When we got inside we walked town a long grand hallway and when we got to the end we had no idea where to go! We got a little lost inside for a few minutes, but at least we were lost in a building as beautiful as that. We finally figured out where to go and had a great time there together. 

We've pretty much just been hanging out lately. This is a picture of David holding our niece Joanna showing her how to play League of Legends one night ha ha.

So on Friday night there was a HUGE storm! The power started flickering on and off while we were watching a movie in the basement so we ran upstairs and watched out the sliding glass door as the wind was going crazy and it rained harder than I've ever seen it rain before! It was crazy! It only lasted under an hour but the after effects lasted quite a bit longer than that. 3 million people were without power! We didn't have power for almost 2 full days, and when it's almost 100 degrees outside it makes it a lot less fun. No air conditioning in that kind of heat is like torture. We decided to get out of the house on Saturday and went to a place called the Mooseum, which is like a farming / dairy museum. Getting there was a pain though seeing as how almost all the street lights were out and apparently nobody knows how to act when that happens, so it was a bit chaotic. 

Me with my niece Amy at the Mooseum

My husband giving Amy a ride on his shoulders out to the car

Last night before bed we played a lovely game of Settlers of Catan by lantern in which my husband David won, barely, but still. And since it was so hot in the house everybody decided to sleep in the basement, so we had 4 adults and 3 kids all in one big room. It was crazy and I'm pretty sure it was the worst night sleep that any of us has ever had ha ha. But it was a lot cooler than sleeping on the top floor. 

This morning we went over to some friends house because they still had power and they're actually not staying in their house right now because they're at the hospital because she just had a baby yesterday! Luckily the second hospital she went to had power, and by power I mean backup generators. While they are at the hospital though John and Janice were going over to feed their dog and they were nice enough to let us hang out there in their AC. Luckily our power came back on around 3 or so today, we're still waiting for the ac to cool the house back to a cooler temperature. It's still 84 degrees upstairs. Good thing for us we are in the basement where it's like 75 right now and completely comfortable. 

Over the last several days I've been flying through the 6th Harry Potter book, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I'm loving it! I only have like 25 pages left now, so I think I'm going to head off to finish it and then tomorrow I can start on the 7th and last book of the series. Exciting!

1 comment:

  1. No fun without the AC!! We pump our AC up so much, sometimes it gets really cold in our house..haha. I'm glad you all got through and now you sleep in a cooler place :)
